A note from Mere Jones, producer of Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe

As Live Arts Theatre enters our second week of Edward Albee’s Who’s afraid of Virginia Wolfe, we are reflecting on the process that led us here.  Let’s face it, it is not an easy play to digest, it’s a bit dark and very suspenseful, and a bit of a puzzle (purposely) from beginning to end.

A recent conversation with one of the producers, Mere Jones, left us running back to the blog to publish her feelings on the show. In addition to being a producer, Mere is Co-Chair of the board and somehow found herself working on the set and running some tech during the opening week of the show.  Here are her inspired thoughts:

This cast has given me a new appreciation for this play. I never really enjoyed Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf. I found the content of the show…off putting. After seeing this performance a couple times I have been able to connect with the inherent and heartbreaking beauty of the human condition fundamental to the story. This cast has brought a depth to the character development that is indescribable.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your tickets now. Come see the show. We only have one weekend left.