An Octoroon

Playwright: Brandon Jacobs Jenkins

Rights: Dramatists

Cast Size: 10m, 5w (doubling)


Judge Peyton is dead and his plantation Terrebonne is in financial ruins. Peyton’s handsome nephew George arrives as heir apparent and quickly falls in love with Zoe, a beautiful octoroon. But the evil overseer M’Closky has other plans—for both Terrebonne and Zoe. In 1859, a famous Irishman wrote this play about slavery in America. Now an American tries to write his own.


Language: 16+

Adult Content: 16+

Violence: 16+

Pay attention to: Show contains: Black face, White face and Red face; Characters use profanity;  Actors must perform racial stereotypes/tropes; Accents are used by the actors. Certain characters have to be played by specific ethnicities.

Flexibility: All changes must be approved in advance.

Production Notes: Show takes place in multiple locations. Music is used heavily in the show. Actors play multiple characters. A character is killed with a tomahawk.