
Playwright: Christopher Chen

Rights: Dramatists

Cast Size: 2m 2w

An art gallery hosts a retrospective of the work of a legendary Chinese dissident artist who was imprisoned in a Chinese detention center for a single work of art. Recently profiled in the New Yorker, the artist himself is present, and shares with patrons the details of an ordeal that defies belief. A labyrinthine exploration of truth, art, social justice, and cultural appropriation, where nothing is as it first appears.


Language: 16+

Adult Content: 16+ 

Violence: 16+

Pay attention to: Characters are race specific. The characters Lin Bo and Wang Min speak with a Chinese accent at one point in the show.

Flexibility: All changes must be approved in advance.

Production Notes: the beginning of the play takes place in an art gallery. Paintings would need to be created for the show. The play takes place in multiple locations.