Fahrenheit 451

Playwright: Ray Bradbury

Royalties: Dramatic Publishing

Synopsis: Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper ignites. With simple sets and uncomplicated staging, this powerful drama is about the inner struggle of Guy Montag, a fireman. Montag has worked as a civil servant for ten years burning books, but lately he has become increasingly unsure about what he is doing and about his vegetable-like existence. It is not until he meets 16-year-old Clarisse, who is filled with strange ideas, that he is led into a dangerous and highly combustible situation. Now he must choose between continuing his nonexistent existence and risking everything for the right to think.

Langauge- 13+
Adult Content- 13+

Pay attention to: Play calls for certain characters to smoke cigarettes. There are indirect references to suicide, death, and infidelity. A character lights herself on fire (page 28-29). Most of the violence are implied scenes that could be frightening or disturbing for children. There is sounds of doors being broken down and kicked in. There is talk of the “Hound” who’s sole purpose is to hunt and kill humans who do not tow the line. There are several indirect references to sexuality and virgins. Religious curse is on page 64.

Flexibility: All changes must be approved in advance.

Production notes: