Show title: Greater Tuna
Playwright: Jaston Williams, Joe Sears, Ed Howard
Rights: Samuel French
Synopsis: What do Arles Struvie, Thurston Wheelis, Aunt Pearl, Petey Fisk, Phineas Blye, and Rev. Spikes have in common? In this hilarious send-up of small-town morals and mores, they are all among the upstanding citizens of Tuna, Texas’ third-smallest town.
Language: 13+
Adult Content: 13+
Violence: 16+
Pay attention to: All characters are played by 2 actors. 16+ rating for violence came from gun use on p52. If gun is not used rating for violence is 13+.
Flexibility: All changes must be approved in advance. Neil Simon typically does not approve changes to his plays.
Production notes: This show contains an obscene amount of quick changes. Need 2 strong actors who can really carry the show.