Meet Our Village: Angela Van Tassel

As we celebrate lots of new things on the Live Arts Theatre horizon, we are highlighting various people who make up the village we like to call the Live Arts Theatre family. This series will focus on the many actors, directors, techies, stage hands, members, and even our regular theatre-goers who make Live Arts Theatre great.

Our next profile is Angela Van Tassel.

Please introduce yourself:

I’m Angela Van Tassel. Workwise, I’m a policy wonk for a large government agency. In my real life, I’m an actor waiting for the right time to retire from the day job so I can devote myself to acting full-time.

How long have you been involved in theatre?

Since the early 1980s. A friend was stage managing a community theatre production of The Miracle Worker and needed an extra stage-hand. I thought it would be fun. Little did I know I would fall in love and find my heart’s calling.

What brought you to Live Arts?

I don’t remember the source, but somehow I caught wind of the 2017 season auditions, so I showed up. And the first role they cast me in was as Martha in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, which had been a dream role since I first read the play in college. For that, Live Arts has my undying devotion.

What is your favorite Live Arts show that you’ve worked on/seen? And Why?

Ah, well, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, my favorite role was Martha, of course. Truly, that production was life-changing. Favorite play that I’ve seen? I can’t decide between Second Samuel and The Book Club Play, so both! Second Samuel because it was sweet and poignant and so beautifully done. The Book Club Play because some of my favorite people were in it and it was ridiculously hilarious.

What do you love about Live Arts?

I love Live Arts’ welcoming atmosphere and its enthusiastic embrace of the weird. These are my people. I feel like I found my tribe when I walked into that audition room in 2017. Acting-wise, I am especially impressed with the plays they choose each season: nary a shopworn community theatre chestnut among them. There’s nearly always something with an extra-sharp edge, an unexpected twist, that pushes us outside of our comfort zones. Those are the shows I love doing and seeing.

What are you looking forward to?

Oh, so many things!  I’m eagerly anticipating Live Arts’ new space, wherever that may be. I plan to participate in more of its programs as soon as I can retire — particularly the acting intensive and directing intensive. I’m also looking forward to the new season, and sincerely hope the company can reschedule the plays it missed this season due to the plague.