Meet Our Village: Blair Sanders

As we celebrate lots of new things on the Live Arts Theatre horizon, we are highlighting various people who make up the village we like to call the Live Arts Theatre family. This series will focus on the many actors, directors, techies, stage hands, members, and even our regular theatre-goers who make Live Arts Theatre great.

Our next profile is Blair Sanders.

Please Introduce Yourself:

I’m Blair Sanders. By day, I’m the office manager of XL Softek Inc., a small IT consulting company. By night, I lurk about Live Arts Theatre, whether I’m working on a show, participating in various workshops, or just hanging out with the awesome folks there. I’m currently a part of the LAT 2019-2020 Directing Intensive. When I’m not at the theatre, I can usually be found serving in Berean Bible Church’s youth ministry.

How long have you been involved in theatre?

Honestly, I’ve only been doing this since 2016. In college, I always enjoyed theatre, but really didn’t think of myself as an actress or anything. A few years after I graduated, I had heard of a community theatre who allowed folks without experience to audition. So I auditioned… and didn’t get cast.  I auditioned for another show, and got cast! I loved the experience so much, that I just kept doing it.

What brought you to Live Arts?

I auditioned for Fahrenheit 451 in late 2017. I came mostly because Scott Piehler was assistant directing, and I had worked with Scott a lot, so I figured the show would be a blast. It was.

What is your favorite Live Arts show that you’ve worked on/seen? And why?

My favorite show, hands down, is Making God Laugh. It was probably my best character (Maddie), a great script and story, and a wonderful cast/crew that made me feel like family. Other honorable mentions: Servant of Two Masters-Flipped, A Higher Place in Heaven, Fahrenheit 451, and Much Ado About Nothing-Flipped.

What do you love about Live Arts?

I love the community here. With other theatres, I felt part of a small community, until the show ended. At Live Arts, that community is always there, even when I’m not in a show. I also love how open everyone is to teaching new folks the ropes and cross training among different disciplines. If you are interested in stage managing, directing, sound designing, props managing, lighting, etc., they are more than willing to teach you and help you get the experience and opportunities you need.

What are you looking forward to?

In the short term, I’m excited about As You Like It—Flipped! I’m playing my first villain-ish role, and I’m excited. It’s going to be a great show and lots of fun.

In the long term, I’m looking forward to directing a full-length production and I’m excited to see where Live Arts goes. I’m hoping for good things soon.