Meet Our Village: R. Chandler Bragg

As we celebrate lots of new things on the Live Arts Theatre horizon, we are highlighting various people who make up the village we like to call the Live Arts Theatre family. This series will focus on the many actors, directors, techies, stage hands, members, and even our regular theatre-goers who make Live Arts Theatre great.

Our next profile is R. Chandler Bragg.

Please introduce yourself:

My name is R. Chandler Bragg, but you can call me Rick. I am a musician, composer, actor, director, avid cyclist, and father to two wonderful young men. But my day job is a database developer

How long have you been involved in theatre?

Almost 5 years. Back in 2015 my musical group, Zephyr instrumental, was asked to be the pit orchestra for a performance of Cabaret [at Live Arts Theatre]. Later that year I answer the call for musicians to play foley artists in a radio production of It’s a Wonderful Life. Instead I ended up getting one of the lead roles and I’ve been acting in theatre ever sense.  Recently I’ve taken classes in directing and I directed my first staged reading.

What is your favorite Live Arts show that you’ve worked on/seen? And Why?

My favorite show was The Hot L Baltimore. It was the first show where I had to memorize my lines, and also the show where I made a lot of really close friends.

That’s a tough question now because I’m really close second would be The Book Club Play.

What do you love about Live Arts?

They’re such a generous organization.  Always willing to help teach, both individuals and to help other organizations that are just starting out. They seem really committed to the idea of theatre in Gwinnett County.

Also they like to “push the line” when it comes to the theatre shows. I think that’s necessary to be willing to push boundaries and reach for more.

What are you looking forward to?

Well one, the possibility to direct a show with Live Arts. And secondly, I can’t wait to see what the future holds in their new location!