Sea Wall

Playwright: Simon Stephens


Cast Size: 1m


There’s a hole running through the centre of my stomach. You must have all felt a bit awkward because you can probably see it.

Sea Wall
 is a delicate monologue, completely devastating and beautifully powerful.

Alex’s story, spoken directly to the audience, begins full of clear light and smiles, as he speaks about his wife, visiting her father in the South of France, having a daughter, photography, and the bottom of the sea. His tone is natural, happy and engaging, with flickers of questions about belief and religion glimpsed under the surface. But his contentment falls away into deep and heart-breaking grief, crumbling to pieces with a vividness that is incredibly moving.


Language: 16+ 

Adult Content: 13+

Violence: All Ages

Pay attention to:

Flexibility: All changes must be approved in advance.

Production Notes:  Alex addresses the audience directly.