By: Harrison David Rivers
DIRECTED BY: Rodney johnson*
At the Million Hoodie March in 2012, Jesse, a young black man, encounters Neil, a young white man who has unwittingly found himself at the front of the crowd with a megaphone in his hand. Flash forward several weeks, and Jesse and Neil have begun dating. But as the months pass and Neill works his way further into the world of activism, Jesse never enters it. Over the years, Jesse and Neil negotiate the complex “firsts” of their relationship against a backdrop of political demonstrations and discord. With history unfolding around them every day, Jesse and Neil must contend with the fact that, no matter their response to social turmoil, they cannot remain untouched by it.
Recommended for: This show is recommended for an audience ages 16+ for language and adult content. (Why did it get this rating?)
Dates: October 15, 2022
Location: GA Theatre Conference One Act Festival, Kingsland GA
Jesse Howard: Andre Eaton Jr.*
Neil Findley-Darden: Thomas Jenkins
Creative Team
Playwright: Harrison David Rivers^
Producer: Dawn Davridge
Director: Rodney Johnson*
Stage Manager: Blair Sanders
Fight Choreography/Intimacy Coordinator: Becca Parker*
Set and Projection Design: Becca Parker*
Sound Design:
Costume Design:
Properties Master: Rodney Johnson*
House Manager: Katie Bates
Box Office Manager: Blair Sanders
Program/Publicity/Graphics: TJ Sanson
*indicates current or previous LAT Pro Company member
+indicates member of the LAT Intensive program
^indicates LAT debut