What the Constitution Means to Me

Playwright: Heidi Schreck

Rights: Concord Theatricals

Cast Size: 1f 1m and 1 girl(s)


When she was fifteen years old, Heidi Schreck started traveling the country, taking part in constitutional debates to earn money for her college tuition. Decades later, in What the Constitution Means to Me, she traces the effect that the Constitution has had on four generations of women in her family, deftly examining how the United States’ founding principles are inextricably linked with out personal lives.


Language: 16+

Adult Content: 13+

Violence: 16+

Pay attention to: there is quite a bit of audience participation and a representative is chosen from the audience to  choose the final verdict. Each member of the audience is given a pocket constitution to take with them.

Flexibility: All changes must be approved in advance.

Production Notes: