An Infinite Ache

Playwright: David Schulner

Rights: Dramatists

Cast Size: 1m, 1w


This is a fresh and heartfelt play about love, time and the infinite directions in which two lives can travel. Hope and Charles are a pair of lonely twenty-somethings about to end a supremely uninteresting first date. But just as they say good night, the myriad possibilities of their futures and a life shared together come rushing to meet them. From their first kiss to their first child, from a horrible tragedy to a second chance, each moment moves with breath-taking speed. A love story told with theatrical flair, AN INFINITE ACHE is as dazzling as it is insightful.


Language: 16+

Adult Content: 16+

Violence: 13+ 

Pay attention to: The casting of this show is racially specific. The way that time moves in the play and how it effects the transitions. A character mocks the racial/ethnic features of another character.

Flexibility: All changes must be approved in advance.

Production Notes: An intimacy choreographer and choreography will be needed.