
Committees are a huge part of keeping Live Arts running and a great way to have your voice heard in the running of the theatre!

We are always looking for new members, so if you want to be a part of the fun, contact the committee chair of the committee you are interested in joining!

events committee

Chair: Becca Parker

Members: BJ Barrett, D Norris, Virginia Kirby, LeTitia Sloan

hospitality committee

The hospitality committee is the “welcome wagon” of Live Arts Theatre. We coordinate food for load ins and other special occasions, plan get togethers, and take care of casts and crews during shows with care packages. We would love to have you join us!

Chair: Katie Bates

Members: Jeffrey Liu, Megan Lynch, Blair Sanders, Linda Marie Johnson

marketing committee
The marketing committee creates and runs Live Arts’ marketing strategy. We cover graphics, social media, press releases, web content, video/photos, etc. to spread the word about Live Arts productions, workshops, and other activities.

Chair: Megan Lynch

Members: Andre Eaton Jr., Blair Sanders, Rich Hammett, Michael Parker, Celeste Campbell

donor relations committee

Chair: Becca Parker,

Members: Barbara Allen, Dawn Davridge Jordan Hermitt, Rodney Johnson, Liz Phrampus

eDI committee

Chair: D Norris

Members: Andre Eaton Jr, Rodney Johnson, Becca Parker, Lily Patel, Liam Waya, Andrea Hermitt, Celeste Campbell

Space search committee

Chair: Michael Parker

Members: Andre Eaton Jr, Rich Hammett, Rodney Johnson, Becca Parker, Cooper Ward

governance committee

Chair: D Norris

Members: Barbara Allen, Dawn Davridge, Cooper Ward

Please note, this committee is designed to support the board and board development and is made up solely of board members. If you are interested in learning more about joining the LAT board of directors, contact Governance chair D Norris.