Love, Sex, and the I.R.S.

Playwright: Jane Milmore and Billy Van Zandt

Rights: Concord Theatricals

Cast Size: 3w 5m


The classic farce that everyone should be doing – especially around tax time! Jon Trachtman and Leslie Arthur are out of work musicians who room together in New York City. To save money, Jon has been filing tax returns listing the pair as married. The day of reckoning comes when the Internal Revenue Service informs the “couple” they’re going to be investigated. Leslie masquerades as a housewife, aided by Jon’s fiancée, Kate. Complicating matters further, Leslie and Kate are having an affair behind Jon’s back, Jon’s mother drops in unexpectedly to meet her son’s fiancée, and Leslie’s ex-girlfriend shows up demanding to know why Leslie has changed and won’t see her anymore. Like a cross between I Love Lucy and Some Like it Hot.


Language: 13+

Adult Content: 13+

Violence: 13+

Pay attention to: Leslie has to dress in woman’s clothing. Derogatory comments are made often about Leslie’s appearance.

Flexibility: All changes must be approved in advance.

Production Notes: Alcohol is consumed quite frequently onstage and characters appear drunk. There is some stage combat such as slaps, falls, and a character being hit over the head with a bottle. Leslie falls off of a ledge 5 stories up.