Meet Our Village: Ed Thompson

As we celebrate lots of new things on the Live Arts Theatre horizon, we are highlighting various people who make up the village we like to call the Live Arts Theatre family. This series will focus on the many actors, directors, techies, stage hands, members, and even our regular theatre-goers who make Live Arts Theatre great.

Our next profile is Ed Thompson.

Please introduce yourself (theatre/non-theatre related):

I am a theater patron that at one point transitioned to performing on stage (when I had the ability to do so at that time). I am a fan of theater and performance in general (TV, movies, etc).  I have no formal training in theatre, but have always enjoyed performing arts.

How long have you been involved in theatre?

I was a patron of Live Arts for about 3 years before formally becoming involved in the theater itself.  I performed on stage in various productions for about 2 years, then was a board member with LAT for 2 years.  I have been unable to dedicate time to the theater since, but it is still dear to my heart.

What brought you to Live Arts?

One of my close friends, Mere Jones, was involved with the theater, and she roped me in to seeing shows, which eventually lead me to really being part of the theater.

What is your favorite Live Arts show that you’ve worked on/seen? And Why?

Worked on – Hot L Baltimore.  This cast had a great relationship and made lifelong friendships.  The show was also quite hilarious.

Seen – Stealing Home – D Norris was so funny in this show I almost cried laughing.

What do you love about Live Arts? 

The relationships behind the scenes.  Despite different backgrounds, theater experience, personal opinions, and other factors, everyone is treated like family.

What are you looking forward to?

The day when my schedule becomes less hectic where I can be more involved again.