Meet the Cast of Cabert- Jordan DeMoss


Jordan DeMoss (Hans) will make his Live Arts debut in Cabaret! We are excited to welcome him to our stage. All through high school, he had planned to be a personal trainer. He even had the Certification Test all lined up! Then he saw his first musical (Oklahoma), and as they say, the rest is history!

You said that one show was all it took. What excites you about this one?

“Fosse is my favorite style of dance and the idea of a bisexual club during this time frame and the stories it harbors touch in so many ways. ”

Can you tell us a bit about your character?

“Hans and I both dance, and if it was socially acceptable I would wear a Cabaret boy’s clothing all the time.”

So what part of you do you bring to your character?

“I can relate to Hans in the ways of youth, not caring what others think and being myself. We are both proud of who we are as people but reserved.”

Do you have a favorite song from the show?

” “Cabaret” is my favorite song from the show for the simple message! “What good is sitting alone in your room? Come hear the music play!” I try to live in all the great moments of life, taking each step as it comes because there is no use for pining or wallowing or missing out on opportunities because ‘life is disappointing’.”

What would you like to tell our audience about Cabaret?

“Everyone should come see the show! Cabaret is a beautiful story told in a daring, snark fashion. It’s a theatrically classic show – but unique and done so differently than other musicals! The cast and crew is amazing and there is so much talent we hope to share!”

You can catch Jordan and the rest of the cast of Cabaret beginning July 17. Tickets on sale now!