Meet the cast of The Importance of Being Ernest (flipped) – TJ Sanson

tjsansonTJ Sanson has acted in theatre for 12 years, and in film for five. Credits include Boeing Boeing and The Dead Guy at Onstage Atlanta, Henry V at North Fulton Drama Club, Dracula and Compete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged at Live Arts Theatre Company.  She has recently completed filming and episode of “Snapped: Killer Couples” for Oxygen Network. Other film credits include Test Group: The Movie, and Inheritance, Italian Style.

TJ has been a big part of our current season, having been and actor in our Christmas Show, a teaching artist in our kids show, and stage manager in our most recent show.  Live Arts Theatre is glad to have her back on our stage again. She is playing the clergyman, Dr. Chasuble, In The Importance of Being Ernest (flipped).  We had a lovely chat with TJ Sanson which we will now share with you:

Q: Is this your first show with Live Arts Theatre, and what other shows have you done with us?

A: No, it is not my first show. I was in Dracula, Complete Works of Shakespeare, Abridged, Christmas Carol: The Radio Play, and Rumplestiltskin.

Q: What attracted you to audition for The Importance of Being Ernest?


TJ working on set for Rumplestiltskin

A: I love Oscar Wilde. It is a great play.

Q: Name two fun facts?

A: 1: I collect Dolls 2. I am a cosplay/ anime model. Bonus: My two favorite bands are Duran, Duran and The Cure.

Q: So, What is your favorite Duran Duran song?

A: The sound of Thunder.  It was on the B side of their very first Album, with Girls on Film is on the A side.

Q: What made you audition for a flipped show?

A: It is fun!

Q: What is your dream acting role:

A: Joan of Arc (St. Joan)

Q: What is your dream flipped role?

A: Alex from A Clockwork Orange

Q: Why should audiences come see The Importance of Being Ernest, flipped show and fundraiser?

A: We are an active arts organization who strives to educate and entertain the community.

Q: The full title of the show is: The Importance of Being Ernest, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People. How do you think that changes with our approach to the show?


TJ Sanson in The Complete Works of Shakespeare, Abridged.

A: “A Serious Comedy for Trivial People”

Q: Compare yourself to your character.

A: LOL!!! OK, Chasuble is confident and full of himself, and to some degree, so am I.

Q: As someone who has been in several Live Arts Theatre shows, what would you say to someone who was thinking of auditioning.

A: Go for it.  At Live Arts sometimes you just gotta expect the unexpected… and quite often times, actors are cast against type.  Just because you audition for a role, does not mean they will not consider you for a different one as is true in my case for this show. I am pleased to be cast in a show regardless of the character I am cast as, and I am happy to be working with live arts because I think they are a bold upcoming theatre with a lot of potential.

Q: Are you planning to audition for any of our upcoming shows?

A: Yes, I am planning to audition for Fiorello. Next season, several have grabbed my interest.  I might audition for Bad Ideas for Bad TV.  I would love to audition for Who’s afraid of Virginia Wolf. I may also audition for Fahrenheit 451 … that is an interesting show.

Q: Live Arts Theatre prides itself in being a teaching theatre.  What have you learned in your time with us?

A: One thing above all is that I have learned to have patience, because it is a teaching theatre, I have learned that often very green actors are cast, and so you can’t expect them to have the level of focus, concentration, etc. that an advanced actor might have.  But I see a lot of effort being made, a lot of striving to improve and a lot of accomplishment in that.

16426456_10210784851152812_1764522483_nTJ Sanson’s role in The Importance of Being Ernest is an absolute hoot, from the way it is written, to the flipped aspect, to the way she is playing it.  The show is running only one weekend and it is a fundraiser as we prepare for our summer musical, Fiorello, which will finish out our “Death and Taxes” season. Be sure to get your tickets for The Importance of Being Ernest now!