Spoon River Project

SRPemailAdapted by Tom Andolora

directed by: becca parker


In this beautifully haunting play based on Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology, the former residents of Spoon River examine life and the longing for what might have been. As the citizens reflect on the dreams, secrets, and regrets of their lives, they paint a gritty and honest portrait of the town as all of their pasts are illuminated.

Recommended for ages 10+ due to adult content.

Dates: October 7-9, 2016
Location: Belfry Playhouse (downstairs at Norcross Presbyterian Church)


Actor 1: Paul Kamm
Actor 2: Charles Hannum
Actor 3: Andre Eaton
Actor 4: Frank Scozzari
Actor 5: Lee Jones
Actor 6: Ed Thompson
Actress 1: Lauren Megan McCarthy
Actress 2: Peggy Marx
Actress 3: Marty Snowden
Actress 4: Joanna Meyer
Actress 5: Barbara Macko

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Creative Team

Producer: Michael Parker
Director: Becca Parker*
Stage Manager:
Set Design: Cal Jones
Costume Design: Andrea Hermitt
Lighting Design:Becca Parker*
Sound Design: Becca Parker*
Properties: Dawn Burke
Program/Publicity: Meredith Jones+
House Manager:
Box Office Manager: Daniel O’Brien

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*Indicates current or previous LAT Pro Company member.
+Indicates member of LAT Intensive Program